Info for FCPS Staff

Educate Fairfax supports FCPS by accepting contributions from donors that are designated for a particular school or program. As the 501(c) 3 non-profit specifically focused on FCPS, we pass along 100% of the funds raised to you.  We also handle donor recognition and can supply you with a list of donor names.

excited teacher with students

Donors Choose

Donors Choose is an exciting way to fund projects in your classroom! Educate Fairfax and FCPS are an established district partner with them to help teachers maximize your space and make learning come alive for your students. As a reminder, all projects should be principal approved and adhere to FCPS regulations and guidelines.

As a district partner, Educate Fairfax will fund some of your projects in the future and  make sure you know when other organizations are matching donations.

Click this link to view other projects in FCPS and make your classroom wishes come true!

Teacher with whiteboard

Teacher Grants

Each year, we solicit applications for innovative teacher grants.  All grade levels are welcome to apply for funding for projects up; to $2,000 that provide students with work-based learning in the classroom and align with FCPS Portrait of a Graduate outcomes.

Our 2023-2024 grant cycle awarded 57 grants for a total of $95,000.

Click here for more information on our Teacher Grant program and to see a list of this year's recipients.


Other Fundraising


Grant Assistance

Educate Fairfax can facilitate online or text-to-give fundraising campaigns for specific projects or programs at schools.  We will support fundraising activities that expressly benefit FCPS students and staff.

Examples include (see the bottom of this page for details on some of our specific campaigns):

  • Special events
  • Alumni giving or reunion campaigns
  • Class Gifts
  • A dedicated donation link for school (can be featured in publications such as newsletters, even programs, graduation materials, etc.)

Along with the FCPS Grants Development Office, Educate Fairfax is available to assist FCPS teachers, administrators and support personnel in seeking grant opportunities for programs. If a grant opportunity that you are seeking requires the grant to be paid to a 501c3 non-profit, we may be able to assist you.

Click here for more information on how we can help with external grant applications

Do you have a program or initiative in need of support?  Complete our online form and we'll review your request to see if it aligns with our  priorities or if we can help find a another source of support for you. Unfortunately, we cannot honor all requests.

Our Impact on FCPS

Since 2011, we have raised millions of dollars to support FCPS, schools, students and staff.

We work to harness the support of individual and corporate donors within our community to benefit projects and programs across the county.

We can also help individual schools raise funds or apply for grants within our scope of work.

See below for some examples of our fundraising efforts in action! 

Total Funds Raised
Total # of Schools Impacted

Judith Diesenhaus Campaign

Judith was a long-time FCPS librarian with a passion for sharing her love of reading.  Donations in her name funded an online audiobook collection that can be accessed by all FCPS high school students.


Robinson HS Class of 1999

In celebration of their 20th reunion, the Robinson class of 1999 donated to an existing scholarship fund in memory of a beloved classmate and friend.

New Lion Logo

Lemon Road Lions Den

With the return of students in the spring of 2021, Lemon Road ES wanted a safe space for students to gather.  Donations went towards outfitting an outdoor space for socializing.