Our Impact

Our Students. Our Strength.

Educate Fairfax invests in FCPS by creating spaces for teachers and students to innovate and explore the careers and passions of the future. Strong public schools are the bedrock of a successful community.  The quality of life we enjoy, the robust and innovative economy, and our stature as a premier place to work, live and succeed is made possible, in part, by the young people we produce.

Main Areas of Focus

Teacher Grants

We fund innovative classroom grants that foster career readiness and workforce development.  In the first five cycles, our grant program has distributed $409000 and impacted more than 80,000 students across the county

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Kids in Need

60,000 FCPS students experience need.  That's more than 30% of the total student population.  We bridge the gap to make sure these students have the tools they need to thrive

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Employee Recognition

We believe our educators are the heart and soul of FCPS.  We're proud to recognize their dedication and commitment to their students and their community

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Additional Impact

Marshall fund donors and principals

In memory of former FCPS student Michael I. Marshall, this legacy fund provides instruments, private instruction, and field trips to students at four high school who have a passion for music and fine arts. 


This annual appeal provides essential school supplies to the nearly 60,000 FCPS students (one-third of the total FCPS enrollment) who experience need.  See more about how Educate Fairfax steps into the gap for our students in need.

We assist businesses and individuals to make strategic investments in unique experiences for students to innovate, create, and explore within a classroom or school setting. The Innovators Fund will provide $100,000 in 2023 to provide STEAM opportunities for all elementary students and promote innovation across the county.  Learn more at the Innovators Fund page.